New Documentation site for Python WireMock

We are happy to announce a new edition of the Python WireMock documentation website that includes the recently announced Testcontainers support and provides a lot of new information!
As many other Python projects, Python WireMock has used ReadTheDocs to host its documentation. Unfortunately it was quite dated, both technology and content wise. It used reStructuredText hard to contribute to, and it was behind the modern WireMock features and especially WireMock 3 beta releases with many changes. Also, module naming has created a lot of confusion.
In the new release, we switched to MkDocs and did a major update of user documentation. We switched to Markdown as the main language, deduplicated and restructured the existing pages, documented the recent features, provided more examples and of course added new pages for Testcontainers. There is a lot of work to be done ahead of the general release, but you can find the key information on the new landing.

The documentation includes both the REST API client for WireMock Standalone, and the new Testcontainers module. All the documentation is automated, and the integrated changes are automatically published on ReadTheDocs after each release.

For the changelogs, now we use GitHub Releases so that the release notes are a part of each release and associated with the code changes. To simplify maintenance, we use the Release Drafter project to generate the changelog drafts that are generated automatically from the submitted pull requests.

Share your feedback
We will keep evolving the documentation website by adding API specifications and by providing more demos for Python developers. Of course, the website is open for contributions and feedback!
For reporting any feature requests and issue reports regarding the Python ecosystem, please use GitHub Issues here. We also invite you to join the WireMock community Slack which has a `#wiremock-python` channel for all things API mocking in Python.
If you are interested to participate and to improve the documentation for Python WireMock, all bits are open to contributions in the wiremock/python-wiremock repository. All the documentation is in Markdown, so many patches can be done just in the Web browser. The contributor guidelines are available here.
We are also looking for more examples with the modern Python web server and test frameworks, including but not limited to Django, Robot Framework, Hug, etc. If you use Python WireMock with any of these frameworks, your contributions will be appreciated!
- Python WireMock documentation:
- Python WireMock repository:
- WireMock and Python solutions page:
- WireMock module for Testcontainers page:
- WireMock Community Slack: