Wiremock Cloud vs. MockServer And Other Simple Tools

WireMock Cloud is the first API mocking platform that truly simulates real world behavior, enabling teams to fully replace sandboxes and test environments with mock APIs and to begin using mock APIs to drive up-front prototyping for all new features. WireMock Cloud’s capabilities include true stateful mocking, advanced response and request options, chaos testing, comprehensive seamless team collaboration – all things you won’t find in the simpler tools such as MockServer that you’ve likely used in the past.
It’s worth noting that MockServer is fully free and open source (as is WireMock), so there’s definitely no harm in using or forking it for the right use case - typically basic in-code mocking. However, for the benefit of developers who might be comparing the two, we’d like to highlight some of the differences between WireMock Cloud and MockServer (or other simple mocking frameworks) when it comes to designing, testing, and validating APIs.
Comparing WireMock Cloud To MockServer

WireMock Cloud’s Unique Capabilities
WireMock Cloud includes an ever-expanding list of powerful ways to increase the accuracy and utility of API mocking. Here are just some of the capabilities that WIreMock Cloud includes that you won’t find in traditional API mocking tools.
Stateful Mocking
Stateful Mocking enables complex and realistic mock API test sessions, ensuring that state can be dynamically updated or modified as needed to accurately represent the ways your applications really work.
For example, an e-commerce application simulates a complete purchase process, with the balance for a user’s updating in real time as different API calls modify the purchasing behaviour.
Chaos Testing
Chaos Testing lets you test failures, delays and faults in your mock APIs. This proactive approach identifies weaknesses and improves system robustness, and critically - helps you design more resilient and robust APIs without having to catch the errors in your live, production systems.
For example, a financial services company uses chaos testing to simulate network failures, finding scenarios they hadn’t expected and improving their API designs before the problems ever cause an issue.
Mock-First API Prototyping
API Prototyping allows for rapid API design and iteration before actual implementation. This accelerates development cycles, reduces time-to-market, and aligns APIs with user needs. Simple mock servers offer minimal support for such iterative design.
For example, startup quickly prototypes new features using WireMock Cloud, tests them with clients, and iterates based on feedback, ensuring the final product meets market demands efficiently.
Team Collaboration
WireMock Cloud includes team management, SSO and RBAC. This mean teams with compliance, governance and security needs can safely use WireMock without any risk of exposing the sensitive design of internal or external APIs.
For example, large development team collaborates in real-time using WireMock Cloud, sharing mocks and tracking changes to ensure everyone is aligned, leading to higher productivity and better project outcomes.
Performance Testing
Most teams want to do more performance testing, but several things stop them - cost, complexity and the inability to test specific components. By using WireMock Cloud, teams can easily isolate critical components and mock out 3rd party tooling, limiting cost and enabling more frequent and more specific load testing.
For example, an online gaming platform simulates thousands of concurrent players and wants to load test their core user system without paying the costs it would take when sending those traffic spikes to many of their other unrelated systems to at their third party API dependencies.
Dynamic Response and Request Matching
Dynamic response and body matching are justallow for sophisticated request handling, matching requests based on complex criteria and generating dynamic responses. This precision leads to more accurate testing. Simple mock servers lack this granularity, resulting in less thorough testing.
For example, a travel booking service uses dynamic response matching to test API interactions based on user preferences and behaviours, ensuring accurate and personalised responses in production, enhancing user satisfaction.
Bottom Line
Traditional legacy mocking tools, such as MockServer, don’t contain most - or any - of the above features. And the list of what they don’t do could go on much longer than that. This is simply because they were intended as a simpler open source solution that’s meant to solve more localised problems.
Ultimately, if you’re looking at a project that requires more advanced mocking capabilities over a longer period of time, these simpler mocking tools will probably not be the right solution for you. They are likely to even cost you time and money over the long run. You will lose the cost savings, the efficiency gains and the higher velocity of all the ways that WireMock Cloud can impact your SDLC. You’ll be stuck with basic mocks that don’t reflect your real apps, require constant updating or fall out of date (while WireMock can just record traffic or sync with an OpenAPI spec in Git), and cause more problems than they solve.
WireMock Cloud puts API mocking on the same level as feature flags and CI, a new force in your way of working that will help you team spend more time working on what matters, get features out the door quicker and deal with fewer urgent headaches in production.
For more detailed information, visit the WireMock Cloud Overview, Comparison, and Pricing page.